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Category: Tutorials

tutorials, longer instructional posts, how to’s

Simplified: Adding User Interface Controls at Runtime

The process of adding new controls to windows (or containers) at runtime has been greatly simplified. Instead of having to deal with control arrays, when you use Xojo 2021r3 or later you can call the new AddControl method on the DesktopWindow (or DesktopContainer) where you want to add the new control. Continue reading and I will show you how!

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PDFDocument: Adding PDF Forms

Added to PDFDocument in Xojo 2021r3 is the ability to create PDF Forms (aka AcroForms) in your PDFs. This means that it is possible to add the following Form controls to a PDF: PDFButton, PDFTextField, PDFTextArea, PDFCheckBox, PDFRadioButton, PDFPopupMenu, PDFComboBox, PDFListBox

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Updated Tutorial: Active Words

This post was originally published in 2018 and has been updated to use Xojo API 2.0.

Follow this tutorial to create active, aka clickable, words in the text of a TextArea control in your Xojo projects. Learn to use the Object-oriented Delegate design pattern to dynamically change how your app reacts when the user clicks on those active words. Best of all, this project is cross-platform, so you can use it for macOS, Windows and Linux!

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